Before Jesus my life was wasted.  I worked to feed my addiction.  I was full of self hatred, guilt, and shame.  I became so depressed that I wanted to die, but could never find the nerve to commit suicide.  In hopes of dying I injected a large amount of several different drugs and lost my mind.  Finding myself a week later in psychiatric care, I awoke knowing that I was not supposed to die a drug addict.  That next Sunday was my first interview at John 3:16.  I didn’t get in, but I did the second time to make sure that I took the program seriously.  As a resident, I almost got dismissed a handful of times.  I got saved on July 17, 2017 and my life hasn’t been the same since.  I was on the weed eater or sold tickets the entire time I was here.  A lifelong family friend, James Ashley, baptized me in the pond.  I became trusted.  I became house dad.  I was able to set a good example.  I became a vessel.  I was chosen.  I began to feel an anointing and calling in my life to become an instructor and leader at John 3:16 Ministries.  I graduated as the 1,000 graduate.  The governor gave me my diploma.  Since then I have established roots. Jesus brought me a wife, a dog, and a home.  We now have a son named Titus.  Life is so much better in Christ and blessings continue to come because Jesus is GOOD!